Get paid to passively search the web with Qmee!

Qmee is a web browser app which pops up down the side of your web browser with suggestions of products that match what you are searching for. Each time you click on one of their recommendations (you do not have to pay) Qmee will pay you some cash. A link will typically pay around 8p per click however you are able to go back to that search after you have clicked on the link and then go into another one and so earn some more money. All in all I would say each search that generates a Qmee pop up can earn you about 20 odd pence each time. 

Qmee works not only alongside the major search engines but also with the major shopping vendors. If you search for an item within Amazon or Ebay for example it will provide you with yet more recommendations for you to click on and earn the cash. Qmee learns and adapts based on your browser habits. If you try and 'game' the system and keep bashing in obvious terms that you think it may payout on it WILL learn and it will stop giving you payable results for that. To get started on using Qmee simply head to their website ( and sign up. You can do it using your usual social media logins or create an account based on your regular email address. Once you are signed up you will be given a link to download the plugin and once that is installed you are ready to rock and roll. 

I suppose one of the biggest upsides of Qmee compared to say TopCashBack is that fact that no purchase is necessary. You can look up items you wish to buy, click on the links, earn money. The plugin itself I didn't find to be of any real nuisance. It only pops up at the left hand side of the page if it has anything to offer. Sometimes you can go days without Qmee kicking in and actually forget you even have it installed. 

Realistically are you going to earn big amounts using Qmee? No. Are you going to earn decent amounts of cash? No. Is it a slow burner that is gong to surprise you when you reach £10? Absolutely. When you sign up you need to put in a PayPal email address to be able to withdraw your earnings. The good thing about Qmee is that once you put in a withdrawal request it pays you into your Paypal account within less than 24 hours - even less than an hour in my experience. it's a nice earner and a good form of passive income.

To sign up to Qmee click here